Environmentally-friendly production
As early as the 1960s, the tanning industry embarked on a sustainable development policy to limit the impact of its activities on the environment.
As a user of water and treatment products, the tanning industry has adopted environmental standards and developed technologies that show consideration for the natural environment.
Ensuring French leather safety on consumer health is one of the industry’s main preoccupations
European standards governing chemical substances are strictly adhered to and monitored: correct proportioning of water and volatile matter; extractable matter, soluble matter and soluble mineral matter contained in leathers; and chloride ion content, to limit any adverse effects on consumer health. The French leather industry recommends the use of harmless substances such as chromium III or vegetable tannins.
CTC carries out monitoring, using extremely high-tech tools, which can measure very low concentration levels of chemical substances – of the order of ppm (parts per million or mg per kg of leather), or even less.