The Federation

The Fédération Française de la Tannerie Mégisserie [‘French Tanners Federation’] is a grouping of around 60 companies, including 45 industrial enterprises, representing a 1741-strong workforce and an annual turnover of around 400 million euros.

Source: CNC & FFTM -2015

© Roux

What is tanning?

Tanners take raw animal skins and convert them into leather, using tannins made from mineral salts, vegetable matter or a combination of both. The tanning process prevents animal skins from rotting.

Skins from large animals (such as calves, young cattle, cows, bull-calves, bulls and buffalo) are known as hides. The same products from smaller animals (such as lambs, sheep, goats and exotic creatures) are referred to as skins. In French, a distinction is drawn between the processing of hides (tannerie) and of skins (mégisserie), hence the name of the federation.

For further information on the leather manufacturing process, please go to our What is Leather? page.

The Federation's management team:

President: Jérôme VERDIER
Vice-President: Marie HIRIART-CARRIAT

Chief Representative: Sophie HIVERT
DIrector of the Social Committee: Renaud WILLEM

The Fédération Française de la Tannerie Mégisserie is affiliated to the following organisations:

  • CNC : Conseil National du Cuir [‘National Leather Council’] -
  • CTC : Comité Professionnel de Développement Economique Cuir Chaussure Maroquinerie [‘Economic Development Committee for the Footwear, Leather and Leather Goods Industry’] -
  • ADC : Au-delà du Cuir [‘Beyond Leather’]  -
  • CLIMO : Comité de Liaison des industries de la Main d’Œuvre [‘Labour Industries Liaison Committee’]
  • COTANCE : Confédération des Associations Nationales de Tanneurs et Mégissiers de la Communauté Européenne [‘Confederation of National Associations of Tanners of the European Community’] -